Lavender's mom, Jillian, shares her story...
My Lavender! She was from my second group of fosters. They were five weeks old when we got them and they were feral.
Lavender was grumpy and hated everyone, so of course I adored her. It took her ages to come to me on her own. I would usually have to be the one to force my love on her.
I took her and her brother Lincoln to an adoption event and a coworker of my husband's adopted her brother. People kept showing interest in Lavender, but she would always spit and hiss at them whenever they touched her. She would only calm down when I held her. She hid in her litterbox whenever I wasn't holding her.
I took her back home after the event (it was my first and I just couldn't leave her because I knew she was bonded to us then). Got her home and she was BEYOND friendly and loving. She was never like that before. She suckled on the blanket in my lap and wouldn't leave my side. I knew then she only trusted us.
She's been phenomenal with helping me with the fosters. She loves to play with them.
<<< Lavender tests out a new cat bed to make sure it's okay for the kittens in the house.